MSD will begin lining sewers along Overlook Avenue, Rulison Avenue, and Olivia Lane in West Price Hill in mid June. Flaggers will direct traffic on these roadways as construction progresses.
MSD will begin lining sewers along Clifton Avenue in Clifton in early June. Southbound Clifton Avenue will be reduced to one lane in segments between 2707 Clifton Avenue and Dixmyth Avenue as construction progresses.
The Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) will hold a public hearing Thursday, May 23, 2024, on their proposed Phase 2B plan for MSD's Wet Weather Program (Consent Decree).
The hearing will begin at 1:15 p.m. in Room 603 of the Todd B. Portune Center for County Government, 138 E. Court Street (45202).
View the BoCC's Phase 2B Proposed Plan Summary
Visit the BoCC website for more information
Heavy rain is predicted in the Cincinnati area today. These weather conditions could potentially result in sewer overflows into local creeks and rivers and sewer backups into buildings.
If you have experienced a sewer backup in your home or business, here are five things you need to know:
Heavy rain has occurred over the last 24 hours in the Cincinnati area. These weather conditions could potentially result in sewer overflows into local creeks and rivers and sewer backups into buildings.
If you have experienced a sewer backup in your home or business, here are five things you need to know:
Heavy rain has occurred over the last 24 hours in the Cincinnati area. These weather conditions could potentially result in sewer overflows into local creeks and rivers and sewer backups into buildings.
If you have experienced a sewer backup in your home or business, here are five things you need to know:
A portion of the Ohio River Trail in the East End will temporarily close in early April 2024 for about a month while the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD) installs permanent bypass piping underneath the path.
The trail closure is between Wilmer Avenue and Carrel Street. Visitors to the trail will be detoured via Airport Road; detour signage will be posted.
MSD plans to construct a paved access driveway for sewer maintenance in Carthage starting in late March 2024. Completion is anticipated by fall 2024, pending weather and field conditions.
MSD plans to upgrade an existing maintenance building at its Wastewater Collection (WWC) facility in Hartwell starting in late March 2024. Completion is anticipated by January 2025, pending weather and field conditions. The project includes construction of a new maintenance bay with an addition for office space and a new roof, among other upgrades.
Werk Road will close to thru traffic between Westbourne Drive and Ebenezer Lane in Green Township during daylight hours on Saturday, March 23, 2024, and Sunday, March 24, 2024, to install a sewer line across the roadway. A detour will be in place for thru traffic via Lawrence Road.
MSD plans to construct a new local sewer and lateral sewer at 1250 Devils Backbone Road in Delhi Township starting in early March 2024. This project is part of our Sewer Assessment Program to bring public sewer service to unsewered areas. The work is anticipated to be completed by May 2024, pending weather and field conditions.
MSD plans to upgrade the existing standby electrical power system and the existing electrical distribution loop at the Mill Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Lower Price Hill starting in February 2024. Completion is anticipated by spring 2026, pending weather and field conditions.
MSD is installing a new sanitary sewer south from 6310 Charity Drive to Sharlene Court in Green Township beginning the week of January 22, 2024, through fall 2024, pending weather and field conditions.
Traffic impacts will occur on Charity Drive, between Mirror Lane and Greenmount Drive, and Sharlene Court, between Greenmount Drive and Werkridge Drive.
A portion of East Loveland Avenue in Loveland will be closed beginning in late January 2024 for about six months, pending weather and field conditions. The road closure is part of a collaborative project between the City of Loveland, Clermont County, and MSD. MSD plans to replace and upsize about 1,300 feet of sewer along E. Loveland Avenue.
MSD is constructing a new sanitary sewer in the vicinity of the Stonebridge Estates subdivision in Green Township starting in early January 2024 through spring 2025, pending weather and field conditions.
Werk Road will be periodically down to one lane between Bridgestone Court and Countrywoods Lane, with a flagger to direct traffic.
MSD is hosting an Industry Day for interested contractors and consultants on January 17, 2024. The event, to be held in MSD's Administration Building from 8:00-11:00 a.m., will focus on MSD's capital program, including a 2024 look ahead for projects and contracts.
Lane restrictions will occur on West Galbraith Road in Springfield Township between Beta Avenue and Kingsmere Court starting on or about December 18, 2023. MSD will construct a new lateral sewer at 838 W. Galbraith Road as part of our Sewer Assesment Program to bring public sewer service to unsewered areas. The work is anticipated to take about a week, pending weather and field conditions.
MSD plans to upgrade sludge handling at the Polk Run Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Loveland starting in December 2023. Completion is anticipated by fall 2025, pending weather and field conditions. The project includes three new sludge storage tanks to increase storage capacity, a new sludge loading station, and new odor controls.
The Hamilton County Commissioners have approved MSD's 2024 budgets and a 3% sewer rate increase, which will take effect January 1, 2024. MSD's Operating Budget is about $237.9 million, and MSD's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget is $260.2 million for 42 projects.
MSD hosted a public forum on the water quality of the lower Little Miami River on November 8.
The forum covered the results of a recent biological and water quality study.
The results show that 90% of the lower Little Miami, a State and National Wild and Scenic River, is maintaining exceptional warmwater habitat for aquatic life use. The study also shows widespread impairment of E. coli throughout the mainstem and tributaries. Sources of E. coli include combined sewer overflows (CSOs), home sewage treatment systems, and animal waste.