
Sewer Backup program

MSD offers a Sewer Backup (SBU) program for customers who have experienced a backup from the public sewer. Learn more

Wet Weather Program (Consent Decree)

MSD is helping make our local streams and rivers cleaner by reducing sewer overflows. Learn more

Customer Assistance Program (CAP)

MSD offers a Customer Assistance Program (CAP) to help low-income senior citizens pay their sewer bills. Learn more

Water Quality Monitoring Program

MSD monitors water quality and aquatic habit in the Mill Creek, Little Miami River, and Muddy Creek and their tributaries.  Learn more

CSO Notification Program

MSD communicates with the public about local water quality through its CSO Notification Program. Learn more

Smart Sewers

MSD is building a "Smart Sewer" system that is helping to reduce sewer overflows into our creeks and rivers.  Learn more

Rainfall Data

MSD maintains a rainfall information system, which is comprised of a network of rain gauges and radar-rainfall data. Learn more