Kenwood Hills Local Sewer



Map showing project area



This local sewer assessment project was initiated in 2014 by a citizen petition, per MSD Rules & Regulations Section 1805. Polling conducted in 2015 indicated majority support for the project (50.6% of property owners).


Located in the Kenwood Hills subdivision in the City of Madeira, this project will bring public sewer service to 160 properties currently served by home sewage treatment systems (HSTSs). The area includes Coachlite Way, Margo Lane, Oakvista Drive, Mapleridge Drive, Kenwood Hills Drive, Maplespur Lane, and Vistaridge Lane.


Hamilton County Public Health identified the type of HSTSs used in this community as potential public health and environmental risks.


The project includes construction of about 9,500 feet of 8-inch-diameter gravity sewer, about 3,300 feet of 2-inch-diameter low-pressure force main, 127 6-inch-diameter sewer laterals, and 33 1.5-inch-diameter sewer laterals. The new sewer will connect to an existing sewer located near Camargo Road.


Once the public sewer is constructed, property owners will connect to the new sewer by constructing private building sewers and making any other necessary plumbing improvements.





This project is currently advancing to construction, with an anticipated start of October 2025 and completion by April 2027 (subject to change).


A $4 million grant from the Ohio EPA is anticipated and will be used to cover the public-side costs of this project (up to $12,000 per property) that would have been assessed to property owners. Property owners are still responsible for all private-side costs but will not be invoiced for any public-side costs. As Ohio EPA funds can only be used for public improvements, any remaining funds will help offset MSD construction costs.


Please see additional status information below:


  • Project design was authorized by the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) in December 2015.
  • Two public hearings were held by the BoCC for this project, the first on October 3, 2024.
  • Following the first hearing, MSD learned this project is eligible for and slated to receive $4 million from the Ohio EPA's Wastewater Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF), if all requirements and deadlines are met. If received, this funding will be used to offset the public-side costs that would have been assessed to each property owner.
  • A second public hearing was held by the BoCC on January 28, 2025, to discuss the funding update.
  • On February 6, 2025, the BoCC approved legislation to advance the project to construction and also determined no public-side costs will be charged to the property owners.
  • All property acquisitions (e.g., easements) are complete, with the exception of a pending appropriation action for an easement from the Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Railroad Co.
  • MSD is expected to seek construction bids later this spring.
  • Construction is anticipated to start in October 2025 and be completed in 18 months (by April 2027), pending the outcome of the appropriation action, competitive bidding process, weather and field conditions.