In some parts of Hamilton County, Ohio, public sewers are not available nearby or homes were built before sewers were available. In these areas, the wastewater generated from homes is managed by on-site household sewage treatment systems (HSTS), which include both septic tanks with leach fields and home aeration systems. These areas are considered unsewered.
MSD's Sewer Assessment Program is one means of providing sewers to unsewered properties. Property owners may petition the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio to extend public sewer service to their properties. Property owners agree to pay their fair share of the cost for the public sewer.
Public sewers provide homeowners with a reliable, cost-effective sewage disposal service that protects both public health and the environment. It spares the homeowner the cost to operate, maintain, and periodically replace their home sewage treatment system.
For any assessment sewer project, there are three main costs:
Public-side costs: The cost of the the public sewer improvement will not exceed $12,000 per benefitted property. This cost can be placed on property taxes.
Tap-in Fee: The permit fee to connect to the public sewer is $480 for a single-family residence or condo unit.
Private-side costs: The cost to install a sewer lateral on your private property (between the end of the public ROW and your home) and to decommission your existing home sewage treatment system will vary per parcel. MSD recommends obtaining multiple bids from private contractors. This cost is NOT part of the assessment and cannot be placed on property taxes.
There are two types of assessment sewer projects: Lateral Sewer Assessments and Local Sewer Assessments:
Lateral Sewer Assessment: A Lateral Sewer Assessment is when MSD constructs a sewer lateral in the public right-of-way (ROW) that connects to an existing public sewer main. It may be requested by a single-family property where a public sewer exists and is accessible to the single-family property. A single property is benefited by the construction of a public-side sewer lateral.
Local Sewer Assessment: A Local Sewer Assessment is when MSD constructs a new public sewer main and sewer laterals in the public right-of-way (ROW). It may be requested by a property where no public sewer exists that is accessible by the property. Multiple properties can benefit from construction of a local sewer.
Example of local sewer assessment that serves multiple householdsExample of lateral sewer assessment that serves one household