Ohio EPA's Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) Program




The Ohio EPA provides financial assistance for public and private water-related improvements through its WATER POLLUTION CONTROL LOAN FUND (WPCLF) program.


The WPCLF offers direct below-market interest loans for projects in the planning, design, or construction phase. Eligible projects include wastewater treatment plant improvements/expansions, new/replacement sanitary sewers, correction of excess inflow/infiltration into sanitary sewers, correction of combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and storm sewers.


To be eligible for a WPCLF loan, local governments must nominate a project and be approved by Ohio EPA's Division of Environmental & Financial Assistance.


Sycamore Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Symmes Township





  • Dry Weather Channel for Sanitary Sewer #937; loan amount: $4.8 million
  • Wastewater Collection (WWC) Maintenance Shop Improvements; loan amount: $4 million
  • Stonebridge Relief Sewer; loan amount: $3.7 million
  • Reading Road Sewer Replacement; loan amount: $3.4 million
  • Dry Run Area Sewers, Phase 2; loan amount: $7.4 million
  • Little Miami WWTP Solids Disposal with Odor Control (anaerobic digestion project); loan amount: $191.2 million
  • Mill Creek WWTP High-Rate Treatment Pump Station; loan amount: $19.4 million


Need Assistance?


Donald Morehead
(513) 244-1300 (Option 5)



Email us