MSD participates in the Ohio Wastewater Monitoring Network, a state-wide initiative to monitor sewage at wastewater treatment plants across the state for evidence of infectious disease, including influenza, RSV, and COVID.
This data can help local health departments and health care providers determine whether infectious diseases are increasing or decreasing in a community. The results are posted on a public dashboard (see below) and local health departments are alerted if high levels are seen in their wastewater.
NOTE: The four treatment plants in Hamilton County are Little Miami WWTP, Mill Creek WWTP, Muddy Creek WWTP, and Taylor Creek WWTP. You can click on the facility name or zoom in to a dot on the map. LEARN WHAT SEWERSHED YOU ARE IN
People with certain infections can shed pieces of the virus or bacteria when they use the bathroom, shower, wash their hands, or launder clothing, even if they don't have any symptoms. These disease fragments can end up in sewage conveyed to local wastewater treatment plants.
Samples of untreated sewage are taken twice weekly from 76 wastewater treatment plants in 54 Ohio counties, including four MSD treatment plants in Hamilton County (Little Miami, Mill Creek, Muddy Creek, and Taylor Creek plants).
Labs analyze the samples and report on the different types of infections that are circulating.
The results are posted on the Ohio Department of Health's website (see link above)
Public health officials use the information to understand trends in the community and make decisions about guidance, testing, and vaccinations.
Home page of the Ohio Wastewater Monitoring Network
In April 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. EPA's Research and Development office in Cincinnati, Ohio, kicked off a national surveillance tracking study of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage, using samples from MSD treatment plants as their “guinea pigs.”
This partnership led to the establishment of the Ohio Wastewater Monitoring Network in fall 2020.
MSD continues to participate in the Ohio network and is also partnering with the Cincinnati Health Department on expanded local monitoring efforts:
In 2024, MSD and CHD sampled wastewater from four different Cincinnati neighborhoods to look for flu, RSV, and COVID.
In 2024, MSD and CHD sampled wastewater to detect industrial pollutants.
In spring 2025, MSD, CHD, and infectious disease researchers from Children's Hospital will sample wastewater from a day care center to look for both respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses.