Trail Location 1: Forebay Pond



Map showing Trail Location #1 - Forebay pond at the intersection of old Queen City Avenue and Queen City Bypass





The forebay pond — located between the Queen City Bypass and old Queen City Avenue — is the official, but less visible, beginning of the Lick Run Greenway.


The purpose of the forebay is to clean the rainwater runoff before it enters the Lick Run Greenway stream channel. Designed to mimic a natural wetland, the forebay helps remove dirt, trash, and other impurities picked up by the rainwater as it travels over pavement, roofs, yards, and other surfaces.


During rainstorms, water is collected from throughout the Lick Run watershed and conveyed in storm sewers to a point just west of the forebay. During light rains, the water is directed to the forebay. During heavy rains, the water is directed to both the forebay and an underground stormwater conveyance box. The underground box takes larger flows directly to the Mill Creek to control flooding.


After the water is cleaned in the forebay, it is piped to the Headwaters where it enters the Greenway stream.



Aerial view of the Lick Run Greenway (taken by a drone)
Aerators in the forebay pond add oxygen to the water




Baby moon tree planted on the grounds of Dennis Smith's new company location in Fairfield
Wetland forebay pond, the official beginning of the Lick Run Greenway




  • Wetland Forebay: The wetland forebay is less than 1/4 acre in size and about 5 feet deep. As the rainwater flows into the forebay from upstream storm sewers, it slows down, allowing heavier materials like dirt and sand to settle to the bottom.
  • Native Plants: Plants in the forebay help clean the rainwater by absorbing pollutants into their roots, stems, and leaves.
  • Trash: Trash and other visible garbage is collected by maintenance crews to keep it from entering the stream. With the largest impurities removed, the rainwater re-enters a storm sewer and flows to the Headwaters where the Greenway stream begins.
  • Aerators: There are two aerators in the wetland forebay designed to add oxygen to the water.